Caroline Crane, Director of Admissions, began at Staten Island Academy as a student in Kindergarten continuing as a Lifer in the Class of 1983. Caroline graduated from Kenyon College, OH with a degree in English and then began her graduate work at Wesleyan University before receiving a MALS degree from Stony Brook University.
Following her college graduation, Caroline returned to Staten Island Academy working as Assistant Director of Development and Girls Varsity Tennis Coach before transitioning to teaching English in the Upper School and serving as a Grade 12 College Advisor.
While taking time away to raise her children, Caroline returned to the Academy to teach in both the Middle and Upper School and served as Editor for the magazine Reflections. In 2011. Caroline rejoined the staff as Manager of Institutional Communications before assuming the position of Director of Admissions in the spring of 2013. Caroline is also a member of the English Department teaching a Grade 11/12 elective each year and now serving as a Grade 10 advisor.
Director of Admissions: Caroline Crane '83