The Upper School offers a rich, active, and dynamic academic program that encourages students to build on their strengths and explore new areas of interest.
The typical student engages academically, artistically, and athletically and must take required courses in the six major disciplines: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Foreign Language, and the Arts. The use of technology plays an integral instructional role, and students use tech as a tool to enhance research, understanding, communication, and connectivity. Explicitly designed to improve writing, rhetorical skills, and critical thinking, the curriculum offers approximately 75 courses. It prepares students for college, for life, and the challenges ahead.
Program & Philosophy
Grade 9 and 10 students enroll in several foundation courses that provide a platform for advanced study. In addition to these challenging and engaging courses, the freshmen and sophomore academic programs involve travel to London and New York City. Juniors and Seniors can take AP courses (10-14 courses offered annually) to specialize in disciplines that interest them most to meet extensive graduation requirements and preparation for the rigor of college.
Courses in the Upper School's eight-day schedule meet six out of eight days, permitting each class to have multiple 60-minute periods to encourage deeper classroom discussions. They also allow students the flexibility to take a wider variety of courses – all of which anticipate the university experience.
In addition to traditional coursework, Upper School students must complete several unique graduation requirements, including a semester of public speaking, a comprehensive research paper, and a Senior Service Project.
Upper School students build strong working relationships with adults throughout their Staten Island Academy career. Additionally, every Upper School student has an advisor wholly committed to individually mentoring them as they navigate the academic landscape.
Extracurricular Activities
Students in Grades 9-12 also have to opportunity to partake in theatrical productions, musical groups, over 25 active clubs, and numerous service opportunities.
Student Outcomes
The Upper School curriculum builds students' confidence, resilience, and mastery. As students mature academically, they become young scholars who can speak passionately about ideas and intricate concepts. In a close-knit and nurturing Upper School environment, Academy students can become leaders in the classroom, on the stage, and on the playing field. Ultimately, the Upper School environment uses authentic academic and extracurricular experiences to challenge, promote, and guide the student body while simultaneously preparing students for college, the workplace, and the world in the coming years.